I’ve just published a Django SEO application : Django Link Exchange
This little Django SEO App enables you to manage deep links exchange.
You can edit directly with Django’s admin the following informations:
- Campaigns: site informations
- Links : anchor, url, additional text
- Links customization: specific css classes, target, additional javascript (ie: tracker)
- BackLinks : url, anchor
- Check Backlinks automatically via Admin’s Action (I’m using http://code.google.com/p/scrapemark/ to analyze the backlinking page)
To Install this application, copy it in a directory which is on your PYTHONPATH.
Next, edit your project’s settings. and add:
INSTALLED_APPS += (‘link_exchange’) In your template’s files:
- you can publish a link directly in the template with it’s name
{%load link_ex%} {%link “name”%}
- you can publish a link through an object’s field containing html AND the {%link “name”%} tag
{%load link_ex%} {% autoescape off %} {%evaluate object.textfield%} {% endautoescape %}